Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Already?

It seems like only moments ago I was heading out to get The Duke from Ararat, Virginia, but tomorrow he will have been with me for a week.  He still has a sunny disposition and is easygoing with most of the herd.  I can identify Olga, Amanda, Bev, and Spring as being bred,  and Hayley and Luna will be ready soon.  That leaves Mocha, Myrtle, and Martha to be confirmed bred yet.  Gracie was bred before we got her and should freshen the end of January.  Down at the farm, Keelee should freshen in about 6 weeks, and Hildy has been bred for March kids.  For those readers not familiar with kidding milk goats, that basically means that come March, we will have a pile of bottle babies to either feed or sell, or to feed until we sell.  And we will have a bunch of girls come fresh (start giving milk again) all at once.  We try to dry them up about 2 months before they are due to kid.  But with does kidding in Nov/Dec and the end of January, we should have at least 2 milking during the dry period for the others. 

Today one of the little Nigerian Dwarf does is bagging up -- that means her udder is developing and her babies will come soon!  Her sister appears to be a little behind her. 

Yesterday was a fine, bright afternoon and I enjoyed keeping company with Andy and Rudy, the horses.  They were pleased with the attention.  We fitted saddles and bridles yesterday.  They were anxious to ride, but there wasn't time. 

The turkeys are more comfortable with doing some free ranging.  Today they checked out the lower pasture and were pleased to discover the lower gate into their coop.  So after a busy day playing, they went in for dinner.  Playtime will come again tomorrow.

Hope your day was pleasant and beautiful, too.

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