She seems to be one of the smarter ones, though -- she decided not to be broody and sit on eggs right NOW when it is so cold. Little Reggie (Oregano) was enjoying the mommy goats (on the left still mom-to-be) and their cuddly demeanor today. He snuggled up right between them for a nap, and only got up to have his picture taken.
Tommy was displaying his full regalia today, too.
We took in a dutch rabbit boy named Harley today. In a few weeks, we'll also take in a batch of kits (baby rabbits). We've offered to help their owner rehome them, as she has pressing business that will take her away for a while. She has someone who takes care of her "regular" rabbits and other animals while she is away, but these are rescue bunnies. Harley got a warm spot in the brooder shed, and seems quite content. Rodney, the vivacious guinea pig who is also looking for a home, already lives there, as well as the porch silkies and the various baby chicks of varying ages.
"Grandma," (my mom) is here for a visit, so all the critters are getting extra spoiling, especially the dogs and the cats. Simon is doing well, he sleeps on her bed all day. In the week that he's been here, he's doubled in size! Chessie is still busily hunting mice anywhere they might think of being. And Reggie, the baby goat, is growing strong and lively. Among his latest antics are sneaking up on the turkey to try to pull a tail feather, butting chickens, jumping straight up in the air with all four legs all at once and tossing his head, butting the air and trying to tag you with his nose somewhere around your waist, running between your feet, trying to stay right between them all the time, and jumping up on anything he can get up on, including other goats. Silly Nubian! Baby goats call for their mothers, waiting to hear their mother call back. That's mostly all they want, is to know they are heard and that mom is within earshot. So, when Reggie, calls, I call him back by name. After a few calls, he goes back to whatever he was doing before he suddenly realized that "mommy" was out of range. He will probably be going home soon.
I hope Fawn and Keelee hurry up -- I have two other goats due in January!
Hope your day was warm and lovely.
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